A crisp September morning we drove five hours to see the Foo Fighters in St. Paul, Minnesota. We piled into a minivan loaded with liquor and trail mix to see Dave Grohl. The four of us, Ellie, Maya, Abby and me, Fiona, broke away from our daily lives.With eleven kids, total, between us, homework, school, sibling rivalries and chauffeuring ruled our days. We headed north for a night of Foo.
Maya and I talked about wheat and carbs, and debated over who was sexier on "Flight of the Conchords", Bret or Jemaine?
We listened to the Pixies and Bob Mould.
In St. Paul we ate a late lunch pumped with iron and fiber: spinach salads.
And drank. Newcastles, chardonnay and possibly a dirty martini or two. I think.
We arrived at the Excel Center for Dave primed and ready for some head banging. But we forgot one thing. With so much talk about food and healthy diet we forgot Lesson 101 in drinking: eat big to drink big.
Dave finished wailing "The Pretender" and Abby made tracks to the ladies room to make best friends with a toilet.
"We need a banana!"
"Bananas? No." She yelled struggling to control fits of laughter.
Maya scurried around to another vendor asking for bananas. I heard more laughter echo in the cavernous hall outside the arena, while the Foo played
"Road to Ruin".
I don't know why but I truly believed that Dave would notice the four moms missing from the thousands of screaming fans in the mosh pit. I expected Dave to stop the foreplay with his guitar and give us a shout out, "Hey where the f*** are you four going?" (Insert gum smacking here)...Oh well. He didn't.
We missed Dave, Taylor and the rest of the Foo Fighters' in concert, and belly laughed until our sides hurt the whole way home. Was it an adventure? "F*** Yeah!"
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