My kitchen is the heart of our home. It's located in the center of the house. In the middle of it there's an island topped with a mighty stainless-steel counter. It's the hub and everything surrounding it, is mine.
The boys know that I OWN the largest piece of square footage in our household. I don't post a Keep Out sign and I invite them in, occasionally.
I spend Saturday or Sunday in it's entirety flipping through cookbooks, planning meals, and/or making a roast of some kind. I am the go-to gal for food.
"I'm hungry." Is repeated so often it should be my mantra.
With three teenage boys and one husband, feeding a family, honestly, is a pain. Cooking is hard work, tiresome and incredibly under-appreciated. So when I want a bit of appreciation, I bake.
It's my reward and if the family is nice to me I'll share the goodies. I take dessert seriously. Sweets are priority. If I don't have time to make cookies or cupcakes, a bag of Twizzlers or Red Vines does the trick.
Last weekend I baked for pleasure, but it was also in the name of "research". My writer--brain needed a break and I wanted to pay some homage to the main character in my soon to be published book, JUST DESSERTS. And when I posted the millionth picture of more sweet, beautiful and delicious looking cupcakes, my BFF issued a challenge. "Put up or shut up. Make your own damn cupcakes!"
In JD, Sadie plans desserts for her family's diner. She doesn't fictionally--really bake any cupcakes. Her thing is, well, you'll have to read the book. But my own baking gave me some insight into her passion. It takes a lot of attention to detail to make a gorgeous cupcake which is why Sadie probably chooses to bake a whole lot other yummy treats.
As you can see by my friend's pics, the cupcakes turned out gorgeous.
We had a fun, fun time!
Her inspiration and guidance were amazing.
I owe her a bunch.
Did I know the difference how maraschino cherries
and fresh cherries would look on butter creme frosting?
The recipe for the best butter creme frosting?
I've thought about it, but thanks to Lisa, found it.
The perfect cupcake in the heart of my home.
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